Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My life the past few weeks.

Isn't it just typical that no matter how hard you work, you never seem to escape the feeling some days, that you don't add as much value as you would like. *sigh* Enough said.

Oh yeah, I will be making more of an effort to write about a few more 'personal' issues in the coming weeks. Names and places will be changed of course. Until then, I'll be catching up on some sleep and R&R.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

It's 5am and all is NOT well.

Just finished work. It's Sunday morning. This is just too sad...

Friday, October 20, 2006

There's a ninja in all of us...

Ah, my high school year book photo and hell, look at the wacky things I used to get up to as a kid. You gotta love home movies.

Everybody excepting Dorothy: Just don't even ask.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rocking chairs and that little yellow brick road.

Damned if I know why I chose this title except that I've been given a subtle, but timeous hint from 'Dorothy' to start writing again. It just kind of popped in there.

While I'm on the subject, can I just say that I can't believe there is a site dedicated to the history of rocking chairs! For crying out loud, people. My hypothesis would simply have been that the idea was born, not out of some deep need to be lulled to sleep on a sunny porch somewhere, but from the sloppy work of some poor visually challenged carpenter who was no doubt dreaming of a more exciting life in accounting - which for all intents and purposes would have produced the exact same result: putting us all to sleep.

Correction, make that a mild coma.

Now with that completely irrelevant, self-indulgent, yet strangely therapeutic tirade safely out of the way, let's move swiftly along. Since I've been working pretty hard the last week or so, inspiration has been in short supply, so I think I'll conduct a poll of my own. What should the topic of my next post be? Here are the options:

1. Hey, write something personal. Get off the fence and dig that dirt boy.
2. No, tell us a few more things you can do without.
3. Oh Hell no, I'll choose a topic! Post or dare.... chicken!
4. A social or political issue. (just kidding folks, no Sociology 101 here... move away from the 'next blog' button, real slow...)

Anyone? Anyone? (carpenters and accountants need not reply)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Watch this space.

To my vast reader base (er, that would be a handful of very kind people who humour me from time to time) : I've been working like a demon all week so no new material as yet. Soon, I promise.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

All things universal.

It’s amazing what you dig up from the past sometimes.

A friend recently complimented me on my writing style (thanks Red, I think...). Anyway, it got me thinking. I came across something I wrote six years ago shortly before returning home, and after reading it again it occurred to me that its basic premise still holds true after all these years. The only question that remains is: Was I voicing a universal truth of life, or is this proof that I have really not moved on at all? It think I have odds on the former rather than the latter, but some days... who knows?

“August 2000: It's a very strange feeling to be caught between two worlds. The trip back has come with a mixed bag of emotions. On the one hand, I am experiencing a good deal of excitement at the prospect of returning home. After all, it is the country of my birth, nationality, and indeed my culture. It would be fantastic to see my family after all this time. However, on the other hand, I cannot escape the feeling that my return is somewhat premature. I mean, my family is not going anywhere soon. Why hurry?

It could be said that this feeling is perfectly natural. By that I mean, the way people perceive big changes in their lives. They fear a change, since it implies a step (or several steps) outside their 'comfort zone'. Any experience outside this realm of familiarity is essentially an unknown. Consequently people paint a very rosy picture of what has gone before, and in my case: dwell on it, instead of appreciating the possibilities that lie ahead.”

Friday, October 06, 2006

Hey, I thought these were for real... NOT.

After another week from hell, nothing brightens up my day than a chance encounter with something worth chuckling over. I like a bit of a laugh on a Friday afternoon.

I found this piece of useless real estate on the net today. It's amazing what kind of auto generated advertisements find their way on to legitimate (and free) news websites and yet PEOPLE STILL CLICK ON 'EM! Heck, stranger things have happened I know, but I'll go out on a limb here and suggest that they have a word with the computer guy about the random age generator thingy... Ah bless. Look, I've even gone to the trouble of protecting the identity of the poor unfortunate girl whose picture was selected. Proud of me?

To be honest, I've never really understood the whole "cover the eyes to protect the identity" thing. I'm sure the people that matter would know who the hell it is anyway. All I can think is "What would her grandparents think?". Tsk. Tsk.

Good weekend y'all.

Monday, October 02, 2006

What lies beneath.

This weekend it was again blatantly clear to me (on three occasions, no less) how strong some undercurrents tend to run in certain frienship circles. I may be making a sweeping (also perhaps life threatening) statement here, but I really think most men (read:me) are oblivious to these goings on, unless directly involved of course. This is where I have to shrug my shoulders and cry "I just don't get women."

Now I'm a pretty perceptive guy, but it's almost like this type of stuff transmits at a frequency too high for mere mortal men to pick up. Hell, on reflection, this is probably a good thing.

Oh and another thing, I've always disliked the term "group", when referring to a circle of friends. I think its sounds exclusive and insular. Those of us who enjoy mingling with several (sometimes diverse) circles will know what I mean.

If you're wondering what the hell the picture is, it's an eel. I could not think what to use to go with the today's topic: things under the surface. Too sinister perhaps but definitely freaky.

Lastly, something that I think my fellow locals can identify with: In this city there are three things that are certain in this life. Death, taxes, and CAR GUARDS. More about that later when my blood pressure returns to normal.

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