Friday, August 31, 2007


InsomniaDamn it to hell.

It's 4AM and once again I can't sleep. I am so going to feel like CRAP tomorrow morning. This is generally not a new development for me, but definitely a recurring one. I blame it squarely on the fact that I am overworked and as a direct result: overtired.

What's a seasonal insomniac to do? I generally make mental lists of stuff. Any list will probably do, but I have been formulating one for some time now so why not put it down on paper (so to speak).

1. Investigate the possibility of becoming a mentor/big brother for an underprivileged kid. Rationale: Well because a wise person or wise persons have told me that to give of your time is rewarding for both parties. I don't have kids, am not married, and so I should theoretically have time to give. Right?

2. Start a new photography project. This is the part I actually get off my ass, dust off the old camera and go and actually shoot something. My idea is to do black and white portraits of some of my closest friends. That should be pretty interesting to see who would agree.

3. Take a minimum 2 week vacation. I plan to go snowboarding in March next year in Europe - probably France or Italy with one of my best friends and his new wife. Which brings me to the next item.

4. Write a best man speech that friend who is getting married in 2 months. I'm thinking go with the heart. Trying to make some amusing anecdote seem interesting to a bunch of wedding guests does not sound appealing at this point.

5. Go to sleep.

6. Go to sleep again.

Let's not even start on the list of work items or personal "must do's". I'll leave that for another night of juicy inviting sleeplessness. On a more positive note I think my balance disorder is starting to subside. Great news indeed, although I'm going to miss my morning dizzy slaloms.

One last thing. If a work colleague addresses you online as "dude" but spells it "dud", does that constitute a Freudian slip? Sadly, I think so. Maybe I'll make a list of those.

Where are those sheep when you need them? Hell, probably sleeping.


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