Thursday, March 29, 2007

To date or not to date....

That is the question.

Ok, so last Monday was my birthday. A very happy occasion I might add. The preceeding evening I invited a few people to a local bar and had a few drinks to celebrate the successful completion of my 36th year on this here plane of existence. Kudos to me. Equally amazing is the day after my birthday I managed to enjoy a most pleasant dinner with my entire immediate family. Not once did I wipe a nervously cold bead of clammy sweat from my brow and think: "Who the f*ck are these people?" swiftly followed by "Where is the nearest exit?". Ok a bit of melodramatic licence, I actually do care about my family, but you get the point.

I digress. Again. All the talk of birthdays and age this week inevitably gave rise to discussions around the fact that I am currently sans girlfriend. Then a friend (actually friends) mentioned something about internet dating and so it's as good a topic as anything.

So here I am looking for an interesting quote. During the course of my 'research' - a trusty old Google search of course, I stumbled across a sponsored (no surprises there) link. Ignore the nausiating pink design and advertisement-ridden candyfloss content just long enough to read the article entitled Dispelling Internet Dating Myths. Despite the fact that it is clearly plugging the merits of internet dating, there are some valid points.

For me? I guess I'm an old fashioned type of guy. Most people I know that have tried it have said that they only really get a feel for the person once they have met in person. Duh! What this tells me is that most of us still trust our instincts best when there is physical interaction. Hell, if it aint broke, don't fix it. And so it should be. Right?

Look, I agree that today's fast paced lifetyles mean that its hard to find the time to 'make that initial connection'. This surely takes care of the introduction but then it's up to you and Mother Nature. My issue is that if people are replacing normal social behaviour in favour of the internet entirely, then we are surely heading for disaster. People should meet and get to know each other in person without the pressure of a relationship or even the promise of one. At the end of the day, it really comes down to the individual.

Just a thought. Any others?


Blogger M said...

hmmmm interesting one. Well, I have attempted this internet dating thing myself with little success. The biggest problem is that it takes OODLES of time and energy to wade through all the freaks out there trying to figure out who is a potential match. This inevitably means that you spend all your available time that you could be out meeting someone in real-life trying to find someone in this virtual-life. From personal experience they generally turn out to be VERY different when you do eventual meet them in person.

At the same time it DOES allow you to meet people that you would otherwise never have bumped into. If nothing else it is an interesting experience and if you have the time to invest in it then why not explore all opportunities available to you in this modern day… however there is very little to replace instinct and physical attraction (and can you really trust that when you are both sitting behind a computer screen)

10:20 AM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

For the most part I agree with "m", however I do like having the initial email convos to weed out my "matches". You can tell a lot about someone by how they write and what they write about.

1:57 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

I agree with getting the measure of a person from their writing but the problem is that often you learn more about somebody by their initial responses without the benefit of time and filtering of emails.

3:01 PM  

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