Sunday, January 14, 2007

Analyse this.

Firstly, why is it that people get labeled 'sensitive' or 'analytical' when they simply are more verbal by nature. If something occurs to me or bothers me, I usually need to articulate it. Granted you have to choose your audience carefully, but hell, I'm only saying what we all think about anyway. This really PISSES ME OFF.

Secondly, since when is an existing friendship NOT good grounds for a relationship? Despite the risks, isn't this what it's all about? I think I might stick my neck out a second time.

Finally, hypothetically speaking of course: if somebody texts to postpone the date by a week, is it such a bad thing? My jury is still out.

Ok folks, nothing to over analyse here, keep moving on. Enough said... this time.


Blogger ANNIE said...

ADAM!!! You postponed a date via text message?? What were you thinking? I cant say that I am above this, as texts are a way to say something without hearing a disapointed reaction and being forced to explain yourself in detail while you stammer around on your words. You might have been able to play this off by saying something like, “I would have called to tell you but my phone is acting up and cutting out on me tonight” (take it from the pro)

tisk tisk

10:28 AM  
Blogger The Author said...

Hey, I didn't do it. SHE did. that's why the jury was out. Actually it all worked out because we went on the postponed date afterall and had a pretty good time. I'm taking her to dinner this weekend. Wish me luck. I think I actually like this girl.

Anyway, you have to admit: that is the beauty about text messaging. You can get away with so much more that you would in person or on the phone.

11:35 AM  

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