Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Storms in a teacup.

Sadly this weekend once again proved to me how petty and childish some people can be. Yes folks, we're actually talking about adults here. Grown ups. Not pimply-faced, insecure, awkward teenagers plotting and scheming against each other in one corner of the playground. I was once the 'uncool' kid who bore the brunt of those nasty little games and I swore I would never stoop to those depths - certainly not as an adult.

Without going into detail, my argument is simply this: In larger circles of friends it is very probable that some people may not get along with others. There are always ego and personality clashes. Hell, we live in a world of diversity and this being a microcosm, should be no different. I GET IT. What really makes my blood boil is when people try to insidiously 'influence' others with their opinions and then expect some kind of invisible line of loyalty to drawn. I refuse to buy into that rubbish. I won't pander to it. Can't we all just be adults about it and be just a little more tolerant, and just a little less prescriptive? This is NOT a popularity contest or a friendship timeshare, guys.

I pride myself on generally getting along with most people, but I guess not everybody shares my philosophy. This has also made me very greatful for having a number of frienship circles. I've always enjoyed the luxury of being able to go and spend some time with other people - especially those who don't place a price on your time or friendship.

My new blog title kind of esoterically sums up how I feel about my life at the moment: It's just me and a wealth of possibilities.


Blogger M said...

I too have many different circles of friends however they do mostly get along on the odd occasions that I get them all together, even if there are some that don't neccessarily 'like' others.

It is strange though that adults still revert to the teenage neaderthals within when faced with diversity instead of adopting a live and let live attitude that should come with age.

8:48 AM  

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