Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rocking chairs and that little yellow brick road.

Damned if I know why I chose this title except that I've been given a subtle, but timeous hint from 'Dorothy' to start writing again. It just kind of popped in there.

While I'm on the subject, can I just say that I can't believe there is a site dedicated to the history of rocking chairs! For crying out loud, people. My hypothesis would simply have been that the idea was born, not out of some deep need to be lulled to sleep on a sunny porch somewhere, but from the sloppy work of some poor visually challenged carpenter who was no doubt dreaming of a more exciting life in accounting - which for all intents and purposes would have produced the exact same result: putting us all to sleep.

Correction, make that a mild coma.

Now with that completely irrelevant, self-indulgent, yet strangely therapeutic tirade safely out of the way, let's move swiftly along. Since I've been working pretty hard the last week or so, inspiration has been in short supply, so I think I'll conduct a poll of my own. What should the topic of my next post be? Here are the options:

1. Hey, write something personal. Get off the fence and dig that dirt boy.
2. No, tell us a few more things you can do without.
3. Oh Hell no, I'll choose a topic! Post or dare.... chicken!
4. A social or political issue. (just kidding folks, no Sociology 101 here... move away from the 'next blog' button, real slow...)

Anyone? Anyone? (carpenters and accountants need not reply)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should write about the freedom of allowing people to listen to their own music!!! :))))

3:22 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

Once again.... I KNOW WHO YOU ARE, anonymous.

Besides, being prescriptive is much more fun... personally I prefer his work with Van Halen much more. :-)

3:26 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

Write about Ninjas!


your family - an overview of where you're from and how you got here

-or better yet-

your ninja family

7:27 AM  

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