Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Anyone for some soup?

Okay, I think I finally understand the appeal of a blog.

Somebody asked me the other day why I don't write about something important. "What about the problems we face in the Middle East?" she said, "I'm sure you will get some comments on that. Or perhaps the mounting Third World debt, or even the genocide being committed in Sudan."

She has a good point. Perhaps I should discuss some of the problems closer to home. I could of course comment on the fact that our former deputy president can get charged with rape and fraud, get found not guilty and have the fraud case dismissed, and still be hailed by some people in the community as a hero - simply because of the struggle. I am all for democracy and freedom of speech, but what I really have a problem with is the apparant total disregard for what I believe to be the cornerstone of public office: integrity. These people embody the trust placed in them by the electorate and should be beyond reproach and dare I say it, not beyond the law. The old addage "Where there is smoke, there is fire" comes to mind, but I not sure any of us will ever really know what goes on sometimes.

The truth of the matter is we get bombarded with so much information these days, both foreign and domestic, that I can understand why people find it such a release to just talk about everyday things in their own lives, and here's the kicker folks: to be the star of their own show and have an audience - however small. So with that bit of rationalization under my belt, be sure to tune in next time and enjoy an amusing(?) anecdote, mindless rant, belligerent bitch, or simply a new addition to my list of things to do without. I'll give it my best shot and keep it deliciously shallow.

I believe Warhol was right. Sanity will prevail. Hell yes.


Blogger ANNIE said...

hell yes adam, hell yes.
I agree. I am so tired of listening to politics and mud slinging... So I say - tell me about your recent crush, tell me what you had for lunch, tell me who pissed you off this morning - just dont tell me EVERYONE'S ISSUE b/c I logged on to read yours.


10:06 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

Thanks Annie, it's good people like you that make me want to stretch my 20 minutes across a lifetime. More to come. :-)

12:30 PM  

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