Monday, November 20, 2006

All things full circle.

People are fickle creatures.

It's just a simple fact of life. Fame and popularity is fleeting. As sure as the sun will rise again tomorrow morning and a product sells more after we slap the words "new and improved" on the box. This is no more evident than in the way people choose their restaurants, their music and perhaps their relationships.
Anyway, before I spiral downward into the self-medicated narcissism of the previous two posts, let's focus on music for a while.

I have a theory that we work in twenty year popularity cycles. It's therefore no surprise to me that in an attempt to break from the endless barrage of R&B and hip hop, people are listening to music from the 80s again. Mercifully minus the mullets and leg warmers of course, thank God.

Two things occurred to me, here. Firstly, how often people attempt to come up with something new or different and end up rehashing the past, and secondly that I'm getting old because I actually was a kid in the 80s, and it's really fun hearing all the old stuff again.

Perhaps we're simply just nostalgic creatures after all.


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