Thursday, December 28, 2006

In the absence of all else, there's always music.

It's amazing what you stumble upon sometimes. A couple of years ago I made a compilation of my favourite music of that time for my girlfriend of that time. She really was a gorgeous creature. Leggy and statuesque; with long dark auburn hair, kind eyes, an intoxicating smile, and a wit, spirit, and intellect to match. Sadly, time, place, and my own insecurities conspired against me. Oh boy, the things we do for love or at least the promise of it. Here's what I wrote:

Like most things in life that are born of passion, music evokes something from within. The sweet caress of a voice, the poignancy of a lyric, or perhaps an exquisite melody or sound has the power to conjure up a memory of a place, a time, an emotion, even a person. Like somebody kissing you gently in the neck, sending shivers down your spine, awakening your senses. Music is all of these things to me. It will always be a trusted source of inspiration. A day does not go by without music. It would simply be unfinished. Meaningless like a film without a soundtrack.

1. U2 - Electric Storm
“The sea it swells like a sore head and the night it is aching. "

2. Audioslave - I Am The Highway
“I am not your rolling wheels, I am the highway.
I am not your carpet ride, I am the sky.
I am not your blowing wind, I am the lightning.
I am not your autumn moon, I am the night.”
3. Hooberstank - Disappear
“There’s a pain that sleeps inside.
It sleeps with just one eye and awakens the moment that you leave.
Though I try to look away, the pain it still remains.
Only leaving when you’re next to me.”
4. Arno Carstens - Another Universe
“From a galaxy of blues, to a universe we choose.
No more crying and just maybe somebody to hold.”
5. Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes

6. Puddle of Mudd - Blurry
7. Seether - Broken
8. Coldplay - Warning Sign
“You were an island to discover.”
9. Roxy Music - Avalon

“Now the party’s over, I’m so tired, then I see you coming out of nowhere.
Much communication in emotion, without conversation or a notion.”
10. Norah Jones - Come Away With Me

11. Peace Orchestra - Who Am I

12. Groove Armada - Edge Hill
13. Orbital - Halycon & On
14. Delirium - Terra Firma
15. William Orbit - Water From A Vine Leaf
16. Leftfield - Original
17. Moby - Porcelain
18. Faithless - Evergreen
“All the leaves I’ve loved have fallen, you know that breaks my heart.”
19. Massive Attack - Teardrop
20. Chicane – Low Sun

"I dream of white beaches, of sun dancing off the surface of the water, and of soft light on your face. "

Ah, ain't that nice, folks? Good memories though. Anyway, before you all go running for cover, maybe some of you like the music too. Comments welcome.


Blogger ANNIE said...

Even though my first reaction is to make fun of you old friend, I too enjoy much of the same music but am forced to keep it in the closet. I once burned a dixie chicks CD, stuck a label on it that said "Black Sabbath", and only listened to it with the door locked and blinds closed.
My new secret is 2 copies of Ray Lamontangne's "Trouble" album.

12:00 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

Haha, don't pull your punches girl - not your style. ;-)
Let them make fun of my music (mis)choices. Bring 'em on. I'm out and proud.

I'll check out Lamontangne sometime.

12:31 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

email me your address and I will stick a CD in the mail today! Seriously, I must.

3:16 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

So here is your assignment – write something that isn’t nice. Be angry and sarcastic – BE MAD.
Get something off your chest and stop blaming everything on yourself or chalking it up to life in some poetic way. We all know you are warm hearted, intelligent, and benevolent kinda guy – MEANING – Let loose. Tell someone what you really think. I can almost hear your blog begging for confidence. You owe it some pride in yourself. There is nothing wrong with that.
I hope you are not offended. You shouldn’t be – I just think you give everyone else credit but yourself. Own it!
Again – Get angry! Maybe just, Love Yourself Aloud - and stop being subjective about YOUR feelings and if they are “right” or “good” or “acceptable” or make you look like an effeminate little “Nancy Boy”. I am not suggesting that I have the key to life, as I am the other far extreme.
You are awesome Adam! – Just go with that and tell me about it!!!

7:04 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

Hey, whose your effeminite "Nancy Boy"?! Huh? Haha brilliant! No offence taken. :-)

As far as my blog'persona' is concerned you are right on the money. It's a bit 'tame'. To be honest I've often wanted to go ballistic about some things but usually I've vented long before I get round to putting it in writing - mostly at some poor innocent f* who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hell, just ask some of the people I deal with daily (personal and professional) and they will tell you that I don't really struggle to speak my mind. It's writing about it that takes the time...

I guess I'm old school. Eek. Thanks for the heads up. I'll try more of the direct 'in your face' and less of the 'introspective columnist' approach next time.

BTW, have a hot date set up for Friday night... (what is it with German women)? Now there's a topic.

9:39 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

Germans know how to party. It is in our blood. Here are my unsolicited rules I am hereby putting into effect for said date:

1. NEVER apologize for yourself or a statement you might make. Apologies are only for when you step on their foot, show up late, or forget to "pull out" (was that too crass?)

2. Don’t let her see you vulnerable to her charms. Keep an independent but curious air about you.

3. Don’t think for a minute you are the one that is obligated to impress her and seem like the gentle loving type - She is just as much obligated to show you her worthiness for 2nd date. Even though she is "HOT", this should NEVER lead you to believe you are in the pursuer position.

4. Ask her about herself but never let her think that she is the only one on stage.

Girls don’t want guys that bend over and put on the "pale in comparison act". Compliment her but don’t go overboard. MEANING - do not fall prey to her compliment fishing ("I'm not sure about this outfit"/"I hate my hair"/or "I need to lose weight") - Just in case she is the self insulting type to get compliments from her dates to boost her confidence. – you never know

I am not telling you to be an insensitive jerk playing hard to get - I simply want to make sure you KNOW that her being “HOT” doesn’t make her more of a catch. You are obviously a contender in that area therefore NEVER act like you are lucky she is there b/c she is just as lucky too… may the best person win – GO TEAM ADAM

10:45 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

Yes the Germans do know how to party. Oh yeah. For some reason I have had the (mis)fortune of having several girlfiends of that nationality. Insofar as I've become the 'gentle' butt of numerous jokes amongst my friends. Hmm. All well worth it though.

Thanks for the advice. Admittedly not rocket science, but people still forget. ;-P

1. Never apologise unless you have really f* up. Agreed. And by that I mean standing her up. Would not calling a cab for her in the morning add insult to injury? :-P

2. Roger that. Curiously aloof I am.

3. I'm definitely confident she'll be agreeable to a second date - if I want it of course.

4. She's the only one on stage? Hell, I talk way too much for that.

Compliments? So, I guess when she says "Do these jeans make my ass look big?", I should probably not reply with "No, actually it's the three helpings of dinner you just gorged yourself on, that make your ass look big."

10-4, GO TEAM.

7:30 PM  

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