Friday, May 11, 2007

Two is better than one...

Annie asked me to write about Marsupials. Huh? Well, I guess its as good a topic as anything.

I found an interesting piece on Wikipedia which was pretty informative. I was happily reading some interesting facts about these delightful little critters when I stumbled upon the following (forgive the paraphrasing):

...The female has two vaginas, both of which open externally through one orifice... ...Males usually have a two-pronged penis which corresponds to the females' two vaginas...


As far as I am aware the only animals that procreate for recreational purposes are dolphins and humans. So my thinking is these poor animals (like Kangaroos) have been blessed with two of everything and they don't even know what they are missing out on!

Hell, what if we had similar anatomical dimensions? I can only imagine the pillowtalk.
"Hey honey, that not good enough for ya? Try this one."

I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Okay, my mind's out of the gutter again. It is Friday after all.


Blogger ANNIE said...

I feel cheated although, at the end of the day, it's simply one more thing to do. A “bonus” vagina will only cause more crotch maintenance and more male confusion. Men cant afford more distractions.
Brings a whole new meaning to double penetration… ok, I just had to, sorry.

By the way Adam, Great job and bravo on being a good sport. We all learned something today!

11:00 PM  
Blogger M said...

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Thanks A... just the laugh I needed to brighten up my Monday morning

9:49 AM  
Blogger The Author said...

Welcome ladies, I aim to please....

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bonobos. They do it for fun. With everyone. Parents with their kids. Kids with their siblings. Boys with girls. Boys with boys. Old with young. Anything goes. I think it might just be their way of saying hello to other bonobos. Imagine if people were like that! Instead of just saying good morning, you'd have to bonk every person you saw at work first in the morning. It would take me an hour just to get from the car park to my desk!

8:29 AM  

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