Thursday, November 30, 2006

When enough is perhaps too little.

In the next few days I hope to practice what I preach. Honesty. Taking
a step back and observing her response has been revealing. The choice
is simple: Cards on the table and move on.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Exotic locations.

I thought since M expressed interest in AngKor Wat and the country of Cambodia, I would post a few more images.

Storms in a teacup.

Sadly this weekend once again proved to me how petty and childish some people can be. Yes folks, we're actually talking about adults here. Grown ups. Not pimply-faced, insecure, awkward teenagers plotting and scheming against each other in one corner of the playground. I was once the 'uncool' kid who bore the brunt of those nasty little games and I swore I would never stoop to those depths - certainly not as an adult.

Without going into detail, my argument is simply this: In larger circles of friends it is very probable that some people may not get along with others. There are always ego and personality clashes. Hell, we live in a world of diversity and this being a microcosm, should be no different. I GET IT. What really makes my blood boil is when people try to insidiously 'influence' others with their opinions and then expect some kind of invisible line of loyalty to drawn. I refuse to buy into that rubbish. I won't pander to it. Can't we all just be adults about it and be just a little more tolerant, and just a little less prescriptive? This is NOT a popularity contest or a friendship timeshare, guys.

I pride myself on generally getting along with most people, but I guess not everybody shares my philosophy. This has also made me very greatful for having a number of frienship circles. I've always enjoyed the luxury of being able to go and spend some time with other people - especially those who don't place a price on your time or friendship.

My new blog title kind of esoterically sums up how I feel about my life at the moment: It's just me and a wealth of possibilities.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A thousand words retold.

I came across this image of a stone mural at Angkor Wat taken by me in Cambodia a couple of years ago. It told me two things: I must start taking pictures again and how much I loved that place.

Monday, November 20, 2006

All things full circle.

People are fickle creatures.

It's just a simple fact of life. Fame and popularity is fleeting. As sure as the sun will rise again tomorrow morning and a product sells more after we slap the words "new and improved" on the box. This is no more evident than in the way people choose their restaurants, their music and perhaps their relationships.
Anyway, before I spiral downward into the self-medicated narcissism of the previous two posts, let's focus on music for a while.

I have a theory that we work in twenty year popularity cycles. It's therefore no surprise to me that in an attempt to break from the endless barrage of R&B and hip hop, people are listening to music from the 80s again. Mercifully minus the mullets and leg warmers of course, thank God.

Two things occurred to me, here. Firstly, how often people attempt to come up with something new or different and end up rehashing the past, and secondly that I'm getting old because I actually was a kid in the 80s, and it's really fun hearing all the old stuff again.

Perhaps we're simply just nostalgic creatures after all.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

“Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for.” Clarence Darrow.


I've come to the conclusion that outside of general compatibility and chemistry, when it comes to whether a relationship succeeds or fails in it's infancy, it all boils down to timing. In situations like these do we just shrug our shoulders and walk away? Do we wait and see how the chips fall? Or do we risk it all?

I've always been a realist and if I was a betting man - certainly for today, then I'd say the house is winning.

Risky business.

It's been an interesting week and a half.

I had the pleasure of taking a very interesting, independant and sexy women to dinner and I thought (and so did she) that the evening was very successful. However, here is the complication folks: she is somebody I've been friends with for quite some time now.

The mutual attraction between us has been there for a while, but the timing has not always been right. It's clear that while we've always enjoyed a flirtatious relationship and kissed on a number of occasions, the dynamic between us is now somehow different.

She has expressed her reservations about taking it further, and at this point it's anyone's guess as to what will transpire. I do understand and share her fears and concerns, but I suspect that at this point, I'm probably more prepared to take a risk. I am aware that we share many close friends (with their own 'special' opinions) and that if this turned out to be a bad idea, could our frienship survive?

Does anyone have any thoughts, experiences to share? Of course you do... so c'mon lets hear it.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Prodigal returns, chemistry and technology.

I know I have been very quite of late. No excuses really except
perhaps just a bit of a break. Thanks Annie and M for your 'gentle'
enquiries. I have a dinner date with kissing buddy tomorrow and I'm still in
two minds as to my approach. There is definite chemistry
here, all that's left is to figure out which kind.

I do love technology sometimes though: I posted this via an email from
my phone.

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