Monday, August 14, 2006

Don't get me started...

First things first: Welcome back Annie. Your unique view on the world at large has been sorely missed. It seems that you have the ability to spark dialogue with relative ease. That's a good skill to possess.

After reading about your pet hates, three things are apparent to me at this point. 1. You are prone to impatience. 2. You do not suffer fools gladly and 3. You do not like Motley Crue. I would have to agree whole heartedly with you on this last point. Nobody could be faulted on that. Oh yeah, and if one more stupid Tommy Lee 'home video' gets leaked onto the internet..... etc. You get the picture. So, here are some of the recent things that make the vein in my forehead pulsate.

People who get upset if you forget their name or make them repeat themselves.
People who dont wash after using the bathroom.
People who their cellphones in cimemas.
People who get upset if they know you have screened their call.

And... my favourite at the moment (and this really drives me to distraction):

People who leave voicemail messages saying "When you get this message, call me." WHAT MESSAGE? There's no message! Only the promise of one - if it ever existed at all! If you have something to say, then go ahead and say it. Isn't the point of voicemail to leave a message? I ask this with tears streaming down my face. Under redundant, see redundant...

Okay now that my blood pressure has returned to normal, that is all.


Blogger ANNIE said...

You are starting to get the hang of this blog thing! Like,
"Hi, my name is Adam and I am wearing black socks today and hate mexicans - discuss"

Side note - I NEVER check my voice mails on my cell phone. I assume if it is a REAL issue they will keep calling or email me something bitchy.

4:26 PM  

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