Monday, July 31, 2006

Life's little stories...

Princess Chaos (I like that name) has asked me to write about my life story. Not a topic I would have chosen myself.

I'm already having visons of people stumbling upon my blog by pure accident and after some minutes of excrutiating pain resulting from reading my tender account of my 5th birthday when my mother (bless her) baked me a cake that looked like a house and nobody arrived at my party; or when I kissed a girl for the first time and she dumped me the next day. I'm certain this will have them diving for the corner of the room to do one or both of two things: ripping the electrical cable from the wallsocket and hanging themselves with it. A bit melodramatic but you get the point.

Ok, I'll think about it.

But the whole kissing thing has got me wondering. Here's another universal rhetorical thought: How times can one get away with kissing a 'platonic' female friend before you run out of shall we say... 'free kiss vouchers'? You know, like food stamps or something.

Thoughts please.


Blogger ANNIE said...

I have had WAY too many cocktails to answer that right now.
I need more background... like JUST kissing?
Nevermind - yes, if you are even considering this question your answer will be - "you ran out of 'vouchers' when you started." The reason you typed that is the very reason that those kisses were never, in fact, "free".
This is why men are stupid (no offence)- you condition yourself to be oblivious to these things as if said "obliviousness" will null and void emotional responsibility.
You are too old to keep playing this same game my friend... all of us are on to you.

**head rush

10:30 AM  
Blogger M said...

From now on we shall call you "Alfie" :)

10:38 AM  
Blogger The Author said...

Hmm, you see my dear headrush: it IS so very easy to dispense good advice to others. Take that .... *whiplash* (albeit deservedly)

Seriously though you are absolutely right on the money. Things like that are never free. Who am I kidding? Nobody else and certainly not myself.

Very insightful for somebody topped up with cocktails. Nice work.

...and yes, JUST a kiss.


10:46 AM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

still awake... reading about jesus (of all things).

"Annie, party of one"

Here is the REAL question...
"You are in love, aren’t you?" How long have you been "kissing"?

Do you just kiss her or is there talking involved?

It isn’t worth this heart covered sleeve of yours UNLESS said kissing makes the clouds part and angels sing.

I'm serious.

Have you seen any divine cloud parting?

I mean - don’t waste your time on infatuation.


...Better go sleep this off. I just spent 20 minutes in the yard with a flashlight looking for a pair of earrings ...In my panties - NO SHIT

wish me luck guys

11:48 AM  
Blogger The Author said...

Perceptive once more... you are on a roll.

There was just kissing, and some talking, but no cloud-parting, angels singing, hearts fluttering, or movie soundtrack moments of any kind.

Admittedly, the odd shot or two of whatever on the rocks did also show up.

Go figure.

Your challenge for today: lingerie, a flashlight, lost jewelry, dead of night. Go. Hope the sortie was successful.

Sleep on that.

**still sheepish

12:06 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

Ok - you have two choices:
1. Screw the bejesus out of this girl, have the odd moment of clarity in the morning, tell her to have a great day, maybe hook up for another night of drinking and "kissing", thus becoming boyfriend by default - meaning - she is going to start calling you, you will try to humor her a couple times, and then you start "accidentally" forgetting to call back, while she is sitting at home doubting her self-worth you go to the bar for cocktails - which is ultimately where she will end up that night - you see her and wave with an awkward smile because your mind is reeling to find a reason you didn’t call or invite her. You two might get loaded again and hook up but this will only perpetuate the above cycle along with her trying to show you her domestic skills in hopes of winning you over - but it never will... she makes your brain numb...

I can give you good advice on this b/c I have been on both ends a multitude of times and it NEVER ended well. I am a very luck girl to have met a guy that never bores me, loves me, and rocks in the sack. The ying to my yang if you will. I am also luck that he happens to be attractive... I have done A LOT of dating but it only throws wrenches in my life.

Your connection right now is purely sexual and, I'm sure, intriguing. I suggest getting her email address - if she rocks the boat - rock her boat big daddy!
At our age we can’t be as careless with the emotions of others. All these women will expect more from you because you are the marrying age - even if they claim otherwise.

SEND HER AN EMAIL... you never know - maybe the angels would have sang but they don’t go to bars.

OTHERWISE knock it off and rent some porn.
You think my blog is “out there”?
- pouting

5:09 AM  
Blogger The Author said...

Ah my dear pouting, to be interested, interesting, loved and stimulated... Isn't that what we all crave? I think so.

Looks like you have a really sweet deal in that department. Your observations and experiences are quite visceral and makes for good reading. And yes, Ive been there before too.

Said recipient is in fact a friend I've known for sometime, and although there is some chemistry (fueled by alcohol) and I find the aforementioned attractive, the stars just do not align sufficiently for me to take the leap. This is significant in itself and provides the answer to this whole question: don't go there.

I won't. Case closed.

With regards to your blog, yes I think it is out there, but in a most fascinating way. Some of it reminds me of Bridgitte Jones on speed. It appears to be a completely unfiltered conduit for what's inside your head. Don't stop. *smile*


11:02 AM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

I am glad you were able to talk out the "kissing" thing.

I have been up all night moving. I found a fab place in a fab part of town and signed yesterday. My lease is out at midnight tonight, therefore I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown...
Even if I had everything moved right now, I close a big deal today at 4:00 pm and have to be available till then.
No rest for the wicked. Someone shoot me.

Yes, my blog is an all too honest portrayal of my life. I never know what I'm gonna write when I sit down... just a conscience stream of thought. The beginning entries are entertaining to go back and read. NONE of my colleagues know the blog exists (thank god).

YOU NEED TO WRITE ON YOUR BLOG. Tell this landlocked american the 411 on South Africa and why in the world you landed there... I need stimulus to keep me awake.

- Heathen

12:49 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

And so I shall...

A word of caution: While you think your blog may remain anonymous to most of your colleagues/family/friends, a simple google search may expose it - unless of course if you have specifically chosen to not list it.


1:07 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

I never disclosed my last name on it...
I dont google anything... no matter how many times I have been arrested or how many times I wasnt on the honor roll, my name brings up nothin... It is kinda sad really

2:16 PM  
Blogger The Author said...

Well then you are safe.

Be thankful you are not on the 'grid'. I'll refrain from using the word 'matrix' lest you think I'm a geek. Mind you, using the word 'lest' smacks of geekdom... *sigh*

Moving swiftly along.

3:16 PM  

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