Thursday, July 27, 2006

I arrived late at work today wondering just how many more times it will take for me to stop mixing late nights and alcohol (expensive food and wine to be precise), and expect to get away with it the next day. Kind of a universal problem for people I guess. (Sorry Annie, bit more rhetoric, but at least its not in the form of a question...)

Having a close friend who is a chef and owns a restaurant is a recipe (no pun intended... okay maybe a little one) for disaster especially on school nights.

Now I realise this is not the most interesting thought. I can almost hear the thud as you crash to the floor after lapsing into a mild coma from boredom. Sadly, its the way I feel right now and its about as good as its going to get today. *groan*


Blogger ANNIE said...

To be honest with you, the other night was the first night I have ever been "blog exploring". I usually stick to my own BS, however felt compelled to venture out amongst the locals. Anyway, I commented on 4 random and uniquely different blogs (after skimming over 100 of these things) and couldn’t bring myself to move on… Its like, how can you just comment on someone’s thoughts and run away? It would almost be weak of me to do such a thing, although on the same token, such a thing would be a normal human tendency. SO – just so I can sleep at night – I came back to see consequence.
Do I sound stoned? Ok yes, I sound a little lofty, however it is honest.
I left a comment with my views concerning gay adoptions on a random “rainbow” blog,
I left a comment saying, “He is using you and you are letting him. Stop identifying yourself with the affections you receive from disingenuous men.” on a love-struck blog written by a self-loathing single women,
I left a comment saying “ugly = no record deal” on a blog asking why all music sounds the same and what happened to Abba,
I left a comment telling some guy that he was depressing,
and I left a comment here… why? (I will go ahead and ask for you)…
Honestly because you seem lost and uninspired despite your nature photos. OK – maybe I am reading too far into this merely because I needed a break from interest rates and your blog entry was short and easy to read – who knows – I’m a little whacky. :) - I just killed 15 minutes!

9:01 AM  
Blogger The Author said...

Where do I begin? Your quest to enlighten unsuspecting bloggers with your unique brand of honesty is very noble. A kind of 'blog integrity crusader' if you will. Very refreshing. A word of caution, however: be careful how you dispense this wisdom. Not everybody has the ability to laugh or take a frank look at themselves.

I'll make a guess at what your response to that would be. "If you d on't want people to comment, then why the hell did you create the blog in the first place?".

Valid point indeed. I can relate to this since I too am not widely known for my tact. Don't get me wrong, I don't think this is neccessarily a bad thing, but phrases like "ugly = no record deal" probably won't win you any new firends. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Having said that, talk of Abba would probably also provoke me to the point of profanity.

Lets face it, blogs are a form of narcicism, and by implication sometimes you have to take it on the chin. So, I will endeavour to put some effort into improving my content as soon as I have more than 15 minutes.

Yours sincerely,
Lost and uninspired.

PS. Are you stoned? That would be a waste of a good mind.

9:39 AM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

You wait a minute! Whoa!
Random rebuttals:
* On my comment "ugly=no record deal" - I was merely agreeing with the guy about the lack of talent these days. He sighted Britney Spears vs. Van Morrison and I simply said that we are over saturated with acts that are supposed to appeal to everyone, thus we lose a lot of musical integrity and replace it with a pretty face that can pop-n-lock - Do you think the likes of Janis Joplin would be allowed to grace a music video on MTV, much less agree to “pop-n-lock”? THUS - we might simply be discriminating away real talent.
So - argue with me now lost one.

* On you being lost and uninspired - purely a "ha ha". It is true that your entry was short therefore I read it and felt compelled to comment due to simplicity. When you responded I found you very well spoken (written) and decided to come back and harass you.

* No - not stoned

* I was never a fan of Abba.
Toto-yes Abba-no

* I am a narcissist but in a healthy way (right?). I think I rule. I have a blog because it gives me an outlet for humility. I am honest, vulgar, and have no friends. Well, I take that back - I have an ASS LOAD of friends, although I can honestly say I know none of them.
Let me start over - Blogs are an excellent tool for people to validate themselves. No one ever really reads mine that I know of but the joy lies in the risk of some random individual from Kentucky feeling like they know me because they skim through it now and then... like, look at me here bugging you - just a chick in Missouri, trying to get her mind off of treasury yields, stops and reads your tiny rambling... Ok - maybe I’m not THAT magical, I know – but possibly motivating? OK, maybe not that either
Anyway Mr. Uninspired - look at how good you write about my social deficiencies! You have the makings of a great blog (minus the political correctness). You could make the masses live vicariously through a boy in South Africa. SEE! This could be fun! Are your underpants riding up on you today? WRITE ABOUT IT! Tell me about your life and idiosyncrasies! I don’t sleep much and obsess about the bond market therefore you happen to be in the perfect time zone for my entertainment.
(maybe somehow I am stoned and just unaware of it...)

10:55 AM  
Blogger M said...

Hey there Mr. Uninspired... here is an inspiring thought... why don't you blog the comment threads... makes for some great reading. ROTFL

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, like this blog! I think it is honest and refreshing. The pictures are not just pretty, they have been taken by someone who just plainly knows what he is doing!

I know blogs are not fighting arenas but hell......

Annie, you may have an ass load of friends but you sound unhappy and bored. Maybe you would get to know a few of your fiends better if you weren't so deep!

If your job is that boring, change!

I don't think blogs are a form of narcism..more a 'normal meter'..a chance for people to put their thoughts & experiences out there almost invisibly and hope some people comment with..'you're ok'!

1:03 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

ha ha ha - you just wait until I am finished with my circa 95' bag of sun chips "anonymous"...

10:38 PM  
Blogger ANNIE said...

Despite my reluctance to use your blog as a tool for my own communication, I feel it necessary to clear the air a bit...

"Anonymous" -
In reference to the last entry's "fighting arena": I typically don’t waste time defending myself to the uneducated, however your faceless comment begs me to challenge it. Before you jump on your high horse and argue your actual IQ, I should point out that I used the term "uneducated" as it pertains to "Annie". You have no idea who you are talking about before you jump on your soap box. To further prove my point I will talk about who "anonymous" is since apparently, having read an entire paragraph, I am in the position to judge:
Anonymous is a girl who probably fancies "Adumski" and thinks that her pathetic attempt to defend him will win her some praise and admiration. She is apparently too deluded to realize that I haven’t once ridiculed the writer. If you believe that "lost" and "uninspired" wasn’t sarcasm, you are simply incognizant. If "Anonymous" wasn’t trying so hard to look like a martyr, "Anonymous" might notice that I have done nothing other than compliment the writer, encourage him to humor me, and take cracks at myself.
Anonymous claims to like this blog as it is "honest and refreshing" therefore I must point out that you are basing this opinion on 2 short entries that even the writer would admit are without divine content. Maybe your flattery is appreciated, although to average literate human they would call, "BULLSHIT".
In summation, you are a coward and obviously "not ok" if I take you for face value. I only hope that one day you will learn to pick battles worth fighting.

PS - I love my Job so I am obsessed with it - I am FAR from "bored" - Popularity is only skin deep therefore my friends (most) were built on a farce... like living in a vacuum. Also, I hope you realize that your "depth" should be the very reason you have friends at all my dear anonymous. You too seem sad and bored.
:( I am sure you will have many melodramatic rebuttals, however keep in mind – you started it.

2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear sad, deep Annie,
I think if anyone should wear the crown of ‘melodramatic’, you won it fair and square. If you had in fact taken the time to read the paragraph as you state you did, you might have noticed that many of the things you mention in your comments back to me I had made no reference to what so ever. I was just being light hearted and tried to encourage you to lighten up a little!

I guess the reality of the matter is that I opened myself up to your personal attack on my character, intellect and relationship status by telling you that you sounded bored, unhappy and were too deep! So I will take it from you this one time. I am not going to set you straight on any of your pathetic attempts at assessing my character. That would be almost as infantile as your efforts at being any sort of judge of character.

Please DO continue to take cracks at yourself. I will thoroughly enjoy ‘watching’ this.

Your constant need to defend yourself, either here or by referencing other blogs you have posted comments on, speaks volumes of your need to justify yourself!


PS - The only reason I am anonymous is because I have not yet taken the time to register. Simple!

10:23 AM  

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