Thursday, July 12, 2007

WARNING: Introspective narrative. Reader discretion is strongly advised.

Okay so after a month's hiatus (which involved a few sheepish late night checks to see if anybody had actually left a comment), I thought it's high time I actually contribute something of my own again.


So as I was saying, in order to get my brain focusing on something other than work I chose a word randomly and I came up with this (yes I know this is geeky):

demarche (day-MARSH) noun

A course of action, especially a diplomatic petition or protest.

I think the idea worked, because I immediately picked up on the words 'protest' and 'diplomatic' - but for very different reasons. Over the last couple of months I've once again allowed myself to focus solely on my work. This pattern seems to perennially repeat itself and it took a recent relationship for the point to be driven home. Again.

She said that my life was routine bound and lacking in variety (you can see however where the diplomacy came in handy). She was right. I am leading a rather dull life right now. I can't really argue with that, even though I'm actually not the routine type - except of course when I focus on one thing only: work.

Don't get me wrong, There is plenty of socialising, sport, and of course work but not much else. I think I can make more of a difference in my and other people's lives in many ways.

I have a number of ideas, but that's for the next post. That does not mean that I won't take the opportunity to trash talk my neighbours who insist on moving furniture or redecorating their apartment at 2am in the morning. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

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