Monday, May 14, 2007

Misery loves company... oh yeah?

"If misery loves company, misery has company enough. "
Henry David Thoreau

Psychologically speaking, the widely understood definition of this popular phrase is probably true. It is said that people who are unhappy may get some consolation from knowing that others are unhappy too.

Oh really? So at what point were 'others' consulted on this arrangement? Can those 'others' who enjoy a bit of NEGATIVITY splashed over them like gasoline, please step forward? I thought not.

It's not that I don't understand why people (including myself) do this, it's just negativity begets... wait for it folks... more negativity. We can generally handle this in our personal lives, but this is especially irritating in the workplace. That said, I have to take my hat off to certain individuals who despite dealing with a stressful situation that they did not bring upon themselves, still manage to stay positive and professional and above all, not overbearing to 'others'.

Yeah, I know its not easy, but let's give it a try.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Two is better than one...

Annie asked me to write about Marsupials. Huh? Well, I guess its as good a topic as anything.

I found an interesting piece on Wikipedia which was pretty informative. I was happily reading some interesting facts about these delightful little critters when I stumbled upon the following (forgive the paraphrasing):

...The female has two vaginas, both of which open externally through one orifice... ...Males usually have a two-pronged penis which corresponds to the females' two vaginas...


As far as I am aware the only animals that procreate for recreational purposes are dolphins and humans. So my thinking is these poor animals (like Kangaroos) have been blessed with two of everything and they don't even know what they are missing out on!

Hell, what if we had similar anatomical dimensions? I can only imagine the pillowtalk.
"Hey honey, that not good enough for ya? Try this one."

I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Okay, my mind's out of the gutter again. It is Friday after all.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The truth about paintstrippers and other similar devices.

No folks, just a weak metaphor. There's nothing about DIY to be found here... ok so maybe in future when I actually have the cash for real renovations. Anyway, moving on.

The events of the last few weeks have left me somewhat bewildered. Why you may ask? These events will have to remain unknown for the time being, since there's a small part of me that still clings to the notion of 'bad karma'. You know: that too much elaboration now might somehow have a negative affect on my good fortunes. Annoyingly cryptic I know, but suffice to say that these events have rather successfully managed to strip away several stubborn layers of ingrained cynicism with surprising ease. I will say this: the windfall is largely due to one person in particular - and a very pretty one at that.

I hope it stays that way for a good long while.

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