Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Look master, it's alive!

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

Wise words indeed. Yes folks, these things do happen. Whatever the phrase implies, there certainly was not a dull moment to be found anywhere. It's actually amazing what you can do with a little adrenaline. As you may have guessed I was forced to take a very long hiatus due to some very hectic work commitments. Try averaging 12 hour days for 4 weeks - not pretty. I'll be back in the blogging saddle very shortly, so more on that later.

The only major news is that I have become the proud owner of a piece of real estate. I'm also now the proud owner of a very large 'PIECE OF DEBT'. Consequently I'll be saying goodbye to my good friend 'disposable income'. The property, being only marginally bigger than a large cardboard box (only made with bricks) will be officially mine in the next few days. One of the good things about the deal is that it is in fact the apartment that I have been renting for the past 2 years so no major logistical upheavals expected. Actually this is a good move for me as you really can't go wrong when it comes to an investment and I've postponed it for way too long now.

Strike one resolution off my list.

Amazingly, despite the limited time I even managed to go on a date or two (not Valentine's Day), but nothing serious at the moment. This last set of scenarios begs a few questions, but I'll also leave that for another time.

I'm back.

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